Tarot Card Meanings: A Complete Guide to Every Card

tarot card meanings

The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each with its own unique meaning and symbolism. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reader, understanding the deeper meanings behind each card is essential for accurate and insightful tarot readings. This guide covers the meanings of all 78 tarot cards, including both the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana, helping you unlock the wisdom and messages within the deck.

The Major Arcana: Life’s Big Lessons

the hermit card

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing significant life events, spiritual lessons, and major themes. These cards are often seen as «big picture» moments in a person’s life, offering guidance on profound questions or transitions.

  1. The Fool
    • Upright: New beginnings, spontaneity, adventure, innocence.
    • Reversed: Recklessness, naivety, poor judgment, fear of the unknown.
  2. The Magician
    • Upright: Manifestation, power, resourcefulness, inspired action.
    • Reversed: Manipulation, illusion, wasted potential, lack of action.
  3. The High Priestess
    • Upright: Intuition, mystery, inner wisdom, divine feminine.
    • Reversed: Secrets, withdrawal, disconnection from intuition, superficiality.
  4. The Empress
    • Upright: Fertility, creativity, abundance, nurturing energy.
    • Reversed: Dependence, neglect, blockages in creativity, overprotectiveness.
  5. The Emperor
    • Upright: Authority, structure, control, father figure.
    • Reversed: Domination, inflexibility, tyranny, lack of discipline.
  6. The Hierophant
    • Upright: Tradition, spirituality, wisdom, learning, moral values.
    • Reversed: Unconventionality, rebellion, subversive ideas, breaking free.
  7. The Lovers
    • Upright: Love, harmony, choices, alignment of values, relationships.
    • Reversed: Imbalance, misalignment, disconnection, difficult choices.
  8. The Chariot
    • Upright: Willpower, determination, victory, control, success.
    • Reversed: Lack of direction, forcefulness, opposition, loss of control.
  9. Strength
    • Upright: Courage, bravery, compassion, inner strength.
    • Reversed: Self-doubt, weakness, insecurity, lack of self-control.
  10. The Hermit
    • Upright: Soul-searching, introspection, solitude, inner guidance.
    • Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, resistance to reflection.
  11. The Wheel of Fortune
    • Upright: Good luck, destiny, change, cycles, opportunity.
    • Reversed: Bad luck, misfortune, resistance to change, setbacks.
  12. Justice
    • Upright: Fairness, truth, justice, cause and effect, balance.
    • Reversed: Injustice, dishonesty, imbalance, corruption.
  13. The Hanged Man
    • Upright: Surrender, letting go, new perspectives, sacrifice.
    • Reversed: Stagnation, resistance to change, martyrdom, indecision.
  14. Death
    • Upright: Endings, transformation, transition, rebirth.
    • Reversed: Resistance to change, fear of transformation, holding on to the past.
  15. Temperance
    • Upright: Balance, patience, moderation, harmony, purpose.
    • Reversed: Imbalance, excess, overindulgence, disharmony.
  16. The Devil
    • Upright: Bondage, materialism, addiction, temptation.
    • Reversed: Detachment, breaking free, overcoming addiction, release.
  17. The Tower
    • Upright: Sudden upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening.
    • Reversed: Fear of change, avoidance, delay, lingering disaster.
  18. The Star
    • Upright: Hope, faith, rejuvenation, inspiration, healing.
    • Reversed: Despair, lack of faith, disconnection, negativity.
  19. The Moon
    • Upright: Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition.
    • Reversed: Confusion, deception, unveiling of secrets, clarity.
  20. The Sun
    • Upright: Positivity, success, vitality, joy, enlightenment.
    • Reversed: Negativity, sadness, delays, lack of enthusiasm.
  21. Judgement
    • Upright: Rebirth, inner calling, reflection, reckoning, forgiveness.
    • Reversed: Self-doubt, unwillingness to change, stagnation, refusal to listen.
  22. The World
    • Upright: Completion, achievement, fulfillment, wholeness.
    • Reversed: Incompletion, lack of closure, unfinished business, delays.

The Minor Arcana: The Details of Daily Life

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a different aspect of life, and the numbered cards within each suit represent various stages or experiences within that area.

The Suit of Cups (Water Element)

ace of cups card
  • Cups are associated with emotions, relationships, and intuition.
  1. Ace of Cups: New beginnings in love, compassion, emotional renewal.
  2. Two of Cups: Partnership, mutual attraction, emotional connection.
  3. Three of Cups: Celebration, friendship, community, joy.
  4. Four of Cups: Contemplation, apathy, discontent, missed opportunities.
  5. Five of Cups: Regret, loss, sorrow, focusing on the negative.
  6. Six of Cups: Nostalgia, childhood memories, reconciliation.
  7. Seven of Cups: Choices, illusions, imagination, wishful thinking.
  8. Eight of Cups: Walking away, seeking deeper meaning, leaving the past behind.
  9. Nine of Cups: Contentment, satisfaction, emotional fulfillment.
  10. Ten of Cups: Happiness, emotional fulfillment, harmony, family.
  • Page of Cups: Creativity, imagination, intuition, messages of love.
  • Knight of Cups: Romance, charm, following the heart, emotional pursuit.
  • Queen of Cups: Compassion, care, nurturing, emotional stability.
  • King of Cups: Emotional balance, diplomacy, control over emotions.

The Suit of Swords (Air Element)

  • Swords represent thoughts, challenges, conflict, and intellect.
  1. Ace of Swords: Breakthrough, mental clarity, new ideas, truth.
  2. Two of Swords: Indecision, stalemate, difficult choices.
  3. Three of Swords: Heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief.
  4. Four of Swords: Rest, recovery, contemplation, solitude.
  5. Five of Swords: Conflict, defeat, betrayal, winning at all costs.
  6. Six of Swords: Transition, moving forward, recovery from conflict.
  7. Seven of Swords: Deception, betrayal, strategy, cunning.
  8. Eight of Swords: Feeling trapped, restriction, self-imposed limitations.
  9. Nine of Swords: Anxiety, nightmares, worry, fear.
  10. Ten of Swords: Endings, betrayal, painful conclusions, rock bottom.
  • Page of Swords: Curiosity, intelligence, new ideas, vigilance.
  • Knight of Swords: Ambition, action, speed, assertiveness.
  • Queen of Swords: Independence, clear communication, wisdom.
  • King of Swords: Authority, intellectual power, discipline, truth.

The Suit of Wands (Fire Element)

  • Wands are associated with creativity, ambition, and action.
  1. Ace of Wands: New inspiration, creative potential, growth.
  2. Two of Wands: Planning, making decisions, future opportunities.
  3. Three of Wands: Expansion, growth, looking ahead, opportunities.
  4. Four of Wands: Celebration, stability, homecoming, joy.
  5. Five of Wands: Conflict, competition, disagreements, tension.
  6. Six of Wands: Victory, recognition, success, public acknowledgment.
  7. Seven of Wands: Defense, standing your ground, perseverance.
  8. Eight of Wands: Speed, progress, movement, quick decisions.
  9. Nine of Wands: Resilience, persistence, boundaries, testing faith.
  10. Ten of Wands: Burden, responsibility, overwhelm, stress.
  • Page of Wands: Enthusiasm, new opportunities, exploration, discovery.
  • Knight of Wands: Action, adventure, passion, impulsiveness.
  • Queen of Wands: Courage, confidence, determination, vibrancy.
  • King of Wands: Leadership, vision, entrepreneurship, honor.

The Suit of Pentacles (Earth Element)

  • Pentacles focus on material aspects like work, health, and finances.
  1. Ace of Pentacles: New financial opportunity, prosperity, manifestation.
  2. Two of Pentacles: Balance, adaptability, juggling priorities.
  3. Three of Pentacles: Teamwork, collaboration, skill development.
  4. Four of Pentacles: Control, security, holding onto resources.
  5. Five of Pentacles: Financial loss, hardship, isolation, lack of support.
  6. Six of Pentacles: Generosity, charity, giving and receiving.
  7. Seven of Pentacles: Patience, long-term planning, investment.
  8. Eight of Pentacles: Hard work, craftsmanship, skill development.
  9. Nine of Pentacles: Independence, financial success, self-reliance.
  10. Ten of Pentacles: Wealth, legacy, long-term success, family.
  • Page of Pentacles: Ambition, desire to learn, new financial opportunities.
  • Knight of Pentacles: Hard work, practicality, responsibility.
  • Queen of Pentacles: Nurturing, practicality, financial security.
  • King of Pentacles: Wealth, stability, abundance, leadership.

How to Use Tarot Card Meanings in Readings

Understanding the meaning of each tarot card is key to giving insightful readings. However, it’s important to remember that context matters. The position of the card in a spread, whether it appears upright or reversed, and its relationship to other cards will influence its interpretation.

For example, the Ten of Cups might represent emotional fulfillment and harmony in one reading, but if paired with The Tower, it could indicate a sudden and unexpected disruption to that harmony. Using your intuition and understanding the broader context is essential for accurate readings.

Final Thoughts

Each tarot card tells a story and offers a piece of wisdom or guidance for the querent. While memorizing the traditional meanings is important, don’t forget to trust your intuition and allow the cards to speak to you on a personal level.

With this guide, you now have a deeper understanding of the tarot cards and their meanings. Use this knowledge to enhance your readings, offer more insightful interpretations, and connect with the timeless wisdom of the tarot.