What Is Chiron in Astrology? Unlocking the Wisdom of the Wounded Healer

What is chiron in astrology

In the intricate world of astrology, certain celestial bodies and points hold profound significance for understanding the depths of our emotional and spiritual lives. One such entity is Chiron, often referred to as the Wounded Healer. Unlike planets, Chiron is an asteroid that carries a unique and transformative energy, symbolizing deep wounds, healing, and personal … Leer más

What Is My North Node? A Guide to Your Astrological Destiny

what is my north node

Astrology is more than just your sun sign or horoscope; it’s a rich, multifaceted system that reveals profound insights into your life’s purpose and spiritual growth. One of the most powerful yet lesser-known aspects of your natal chart is the North Node. Often referred to as your «destiny point», the North Node represents the qualities, … Leer más